Monday, May 6, 2013

creating a new blog

Hi everyone! I am finally starting a blog.  I find myself a little lonely sometimes.  I'm currently out of work and bored.  I have been looking for a job for sometime now and find there aren't a lot of positions out there for an out of work, fortyish Interior Designer.  Seems most people don't have the money for things like, well me! So, here I sit, constantly searching pinterest for a new craft to do.  I'm crazy for crafts, flower gardening ( I say flower because I'm not so interested in veggies.  That is my hubbies domain!), home décor and more! 

I couldn't figure out exactly what to write a blog about and have taken a lot of time to think about it. I couldn't narrow it down, so I'm going to try to include it all. My topics will range from the following:

Home decorating ( I have a Degree in Interior Design and years of experience
                            in the field so I do have some insight!)

Window Treatments ( which is my specialty, sometimes!)

Crafting, painting and art (this is where my obsession for pinterest comes in)

Art Journaling (this is a new obsession, Im trying my hand at it, it is fun)

Gardening ( our gardens are pretty exciting in the summer.  We live in Northern
                  Ky. and have these beautiful tropical flowers every year. Including
                  banana trees that, hopefully, will make bananas this year)
Family       ( second marriage, 19 year old daughter in college and 9
                   year old in 3rd grade)

Books ( I love to read, have a new Kindle, and volunteer at the school library as
            well as have a love for books and book stores.)

Job hunting (it is what it is)

And also some health issues, including fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. and how to fit all my craziness in while dealing with these issues. Although I have no intention of burdening ANYONE with my rants about my health, however, it would be nice to talk to other people with the same issues.

And anything else that happens to be on my mind.  As you can see, it was hardly easy to narrow all this down to a single topic.  I feel like I have a lot to say and  maybe even influence someone with my rants! 

Please check out my pinterest boards.  I have thousands of ideas there on all the things that interest me. I love looking at and pinning the crafts and recipes and actually use many of the ideas I find on there.  I have art classes, recipes, gardening ideas, etc. and love them all!

So please join me on my journey to fulfill all my joys in art, etc. and Life!!!